


ACICORK simulator

A simulation platform will be implemented that would be used to carry out simulations of cork oaks growth and production under different scenarios to understand how climate change, the OICD and the type of production system affect the development of cork oak forests. Access the ACICORK simulator at the following link (available from May 2027)


A geospatial visualization tool will be designed and implemented that will integrate in a simplified way the georeferenced information generated within the framework of the ACICORK project. Access the GeoPortal of the ACICORK project at the following link (available from May 2027)

Iberian Cork Oak Decline (ICOD)

A system for early detection of the spread of P.cinnamomi and risk maps of the Iberian cork oak decline disease will be developed. Access at the following link (available from May 2027)

Experimental site

La Calzada de Oropesa

The cork oak forest located in the Dehesa Boyal at La Calzada de Oropesa (Toledo) is a reforestation carried out in 1982 composed of cork oaks from different origin: plantation with plants grown in paper-pot and direct sowing.

In June 2020, within the framework of the project RTI2018-094413-R-C21 Bornizo for the Bioeconomy: Forest management and environmental assessment tools for virgin cork valorization (BIOBOR), two plots of 0.5 ha each were installed. In each plot, all trees larger than 7.5 cm in diameter were positioned and marked, measuring in each of them diameter, total height and cork thickness. Each plot was divided into four parts of equal size: in one of them no treatment was applied; in another, only a thinning was applied; in another the trees were debarked; and in the fourth, debarking and thinning were applied. In June 2021, the corresponding subplots were debarked and in December 2020 the thinning treatment was applied, extracting 19% and 20% of the basal area in each plot. With the aim of periodically monitoring the diametral growth, in March 2021, band dendrometers were 80 cork oaks in each plot.

Within the framework of the ACICORK project, monitoring of this experimental site will continue.



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